It’s often the case that remote interviews are harder to prepare for than physical face to face interviews. Often, nowadays, making a good first or nearer a final round interview doesn’t mean it has to be done in person as they become more common in the workforce. Somewhere down the line you will likely prepare for a Skype or remote interview if you haven’t been already. You will need to construe your points and sell yourself while no one is physically present for you to convince. Within Excel Recruitment, our consultants are using Skype interviews more than ever to screen potential candidates and to match their ability with particular roles. With roles Nationwide it is not always possible for candidates and clients to meet physically and Skype interviews act as a tool to link both. They are the first action they take in understanding the client and deciphering whether they would be a good match to continue with helping them in their job search for an active role.
Here are crucial tips that are encouraged when partaking in a Skype Interview
1. Dress the Part
Dress accordingly! It is quite hard to ascertain a company culture in an informal setting such as a Skype Interview. Dress as you would if it was a physical interview and prepare ahead of time. You are completely in control on what is shown on screen and you can set this all ahead of time. Check the prospective employer’s website, Facebook and twitter pages to try garner a feel for the company, what it would be like to work there and tailor your attire according to this. Consultants will notice this straight away as they are often fitted with criteria of finding someone who not only has the necessary attributes and experience, but also a personal and physical fit who will be an asset to their company. It is always better to err on the side of formal than casual.
The tracksuit bottoms and formal upper attire should be avoided. While most interviews concentrate primarily on a headshot, opportunities can arise where you may have to readjust your equipment, web cam etc. and where you may be on show! Full professionalism clothing will attribute to a professional mind too.
2. Prepare your surroundings.
Be it video or telephone, do it in a quiet, undisturbed setting with no disruptions. Things as simple as an electrical socket to charge your laptop may be overlooked in advance and prove problematic mid interview ( and show off your scruffy sweatpants!) A business-like setting is best. Avoid somewhere that is clustered and has a high volume of material on the walls and the likes. Look behind you as this is what the interviewer will see. It can be quite distracting when an interviewer is faced with clutter and mess and will reflect badly on your organisational capabilities. Hiring Managers are recruiters are very discerning in all facets of an interviews process, don’t underestimate the things that they see that you may not.
Inform those who are with you that you are in interview and to under no circumstances to disturb you. You don’t want to be disturbed by sudden interruptions, young kids, a blast of the radio or an excited uncontrollable dog that has been just ushered with the words ‘WALKIES’!
3. Practice
Practice a mock interview. Some people can be particularly on edge and won’t know what to do with their hands, or seating posture. Skype allow you to analyse a mock tape and this is a good tool to be meticulous in how you interact and again tailor it accordingly. Lacking a live person in front of you can mean you won’t interact how you naturally would when in a live setting. Often you will be side-tracked by the thoughts of the cameras and equipment. Stay upbeat and don’t get lost in the fact that you are smiling alone in a room. This is one of the first and most important things someone will notice during a skype interview.
4. Technology Glitches
Check the alignment of the camera during your preparation so you are assured you are smiling at the interviewer and making eye contact rather than staring longingly off in the distance. While there is no worries like getting lost, stuck in traffic, or failing to find the building there is the impending fear of a technical glitch. Have everything ready and prepared with ample time.
When you’re relying on video or phone equipment, there’s a good chance you’ll experience a technical glitch: a weak connection, interference or garbled signals. Hiring managers will determine what kind of candidate you are by your reactionary instincts to these situations. Avoid cursing or losing your cool. Be diplomatic, do your best to revolve and any issues that have arisen. This will be an important a facet in the interview and one you may have overshadowed.