Figures have been released showing where Irish consumers are likely to do their main weekly grocery shop. The continued trajectory of discount rival retailers like Lidl and Aldi, have intensified the market over the last number of years. Tesco, have come out on top with 33% of all consumers choosing to do their main weekly shop there.
Tesco have had a rough time of late with a sales trough, but in figures carried out by Checkout Magazine and Ignite Research it points them as the most popular supermarket for big spends. Tesco was also the most popular supermarket choice by females. The greatest disparity of genders was Dunnes Stores, with 19% of who were male and 11% of female.
Value for money was frequently cited as the most popular reason for shoppers in Lidl and Aldi. 86% of Aldi shoppers and 81% of Lidl shoppers believed that their respective supermarkets were the cheapest. The German discount rivals have seen the biggest rise in consumers switching.
Source: http://businessetc.thejournal.ie/tesco-shopping-ireland-news-money-2213681-Jul2015/