With the great array of award ceremonies now occurring within the Irish hospitality industry, our team at Excel thought it would be valuable to share some tips on how businesses can best prepare for judging. Our team come from backgrounds such as chefs, bar managers, contract catering area managers, and various other hospitality professionals, giving us a wealth of industry experience that positions us well for judging these awards on a nationwide level.
For many years, our senior team has been involved in judging bars, hotels, restaurants, and contract catering facilities for numerous award ceremonies across the island of Ireland. So, we asked some of our team members to share their top tips for those entering these awards. Given the strong quality across the board, the need to stand out is important.
Top tips for entering industry awards:
1. Inform your staff: Ensure all staff members are aware that your business is participating in the awards. They should treat every customer as if they were a judge or VIP. From the moment the awards open until the closing date, guarantee all customers receive fantastic service. Often, when a judge submits their waiver form at the end of their visit, staff members are unaware that their property has even been entered for an of the award and that a judge will visit.
2. Engage with the judge: After the judge has handed in the waiver form, take the opportunity to interact with them. Ask for feedback on their experience and learn from their insights as an independent industry professional.
3. Update your information: Check when doing your submission that the opening times and menu offerings advertised on your website are accurate and relevant during the judging period. This consistency will help judges accurately assess your establishment.
4. Showcase your business: Don’t be afraid to engage with the judge and talk about your business. Highlight areas they may not have seen and give them the opportunity to have a look at these areas and discuss your past successes and future plans. Judges will appreciate your enthusiasm and the opportunity to get a comprehensive view of your business.
5. Enter all relevant categories: Make sure you’re entering all the relevant and correct categories for your property. For example, if you offer bar food, enter the bar food category, don’t fall into trap of entering a gastro category if not relevant for your premises. Additionally, if there are specific areas where you excel, such as a great breakfast offering or spa attraction, ensure you enter those categories. Judges can only assess the categories you have entered, so don’t miss out.
6. Impress your visiting judge: The judges’ visit on the day creates the overall score for your property; however, that is not the entire judging process for the category you have entered. All judges come together to deliberate for the overall winner, so it’s crucial to make a strong impression on your visiting judge. Which is particularly important when the judges convene to discuss and defend their choices.
7. Utilise judges’ feedback: Even if you’re not lucky enough to win on the night with the steep competition, review your feedback and the judges’ comments. Feel free to ask for additional feedback; judges are usually happy to provide extra thoughts and advice. This can be invaluable for improving your business and preparing for future awards.
By following these tips, your business can better prepare for the award judging process, stand out amongst your competitors, and make the most of the opportunity to showcase your excellence in the hospitality industry. For more expert advice or help with your staffing needs, reach out to our team at info@excelrecruitment.com or call us on 01 871 7676.