Interview questions designed to trip you up! By CEO Barry Whelan

In the first of our new series, CEO of Excel Recruitment Barry Whelan takes you through some tricky interview questions designed to really test you and more importantly, how to ace them.

In the below examples, the interviewer ask seemingly simple questions that get the interviewee to reveal information they may have been trying to conceal; questions that break through the traditional interview noise and clutter, and get to the raw information.

How would you describe yourself in one word?

Why do they ask this? The question is likely being asked to find out your personality type, how confident you are in yourself and how you would ‘Fit’ the organisation recruiting.

How does this question trip you up? This question can be a challenge, particularly early on in the interview, because you don’t know what personality type the company is looking for and whilst there is no point pretending to be something you are not, there are also many ways (and Personality Types) to get the job done. People are multifaceted, so putting a short label on oneself can seem nearly impossible.

What response should you give? Always stick with the conservative route. For instance if you’re reliable and dedicated, but your friends praise your clever humour, go with the former.

If you’re applying for an accounting job, the one word descriptor should not be “creative,” and if it’s an art director position, you don’t want it to be, “punctual,” for example.

In general, most employers today are seeking team players that are level headed under pressure, positive, honest, reliable, and dedicated, however, it would be a mistake just to rattle off adjectives that you think will be well received when in fact this is an opportunity to describe how your best attributes are a great match for the job as you see it.

How does this position compare to others you are applying for?

Why do they ask this? They’re basically asking ‘What other jobs are you applying for?’ The recruiting manager is just trying to find out how active you are in the job market. Once you open up, they want to see how you speak about other companies or positions you’re interested in and how honest you are.

How does this question trip you up? If you tell them that theirs is the only job that you have applied for that will send up a red flag. Very few job applicants only apply to the one single job — so they may assume you’re being dishonest. However, if you openly speak about other positions you’re pursuing, and you speak favourably about them, the hiring manager may worry that you’ll end up taking another job elsewhere, and they won’t want to waste their time.

What response should you give? Leave things open, express your desire to find the right role. Perhaps tell them that there are several companies with whom I am interviewing, however, I’ve not yet decided the best fit for me. This response is positive and protects you from having to bad mouth or talk up competitors.

What kind of manager and colleagues have you had the most and least success with, and why?

Why do they ask this? Interviewers are trying to ascertain if you generally have conflicts with people or personality types. They also want to know how you work best.

How does this question trip you up? You can run the risk of appearing difficult if you admit to unsuccessful interactions with others. You may also inadvertently describe some of the attributes of your prospective Manager.

What response should you give? Firstly, concentrate on giving more good than bad news. It’s always best to start out with the positive and downplay the negatives. You don’t want to be evasive, but this is not the time to outline all your personality shortcomings either. Here you have an opportunity to speak generally about traits that you admire in others, yet appear flexible enough to work with a variety of personality types.

For an example try, ‘I think I work well with most people and a variety of personalities’.

What would you do if you won €6 Million tomorrow?

Why do they ask this? They want to know whether you’d still work if you didn’t need the money. Your response to this question tells the employer about your motivation and work ethic. They may also want to know what you’d spend the money on, or whether you’d invest it. This tells them how responsible you are with your money, and how mature you are as a person.

How does this question trip you up? Questions that are out of left field can ambush you, causing you to lose composure. They have nothing to do with the job at hand, and you may wonder if there is any significance to them. If you don’t pause and gather your thoughts before you respond to a question like this, you might lose your cool or come back with a clanger.

What response should you give? They want to hear that you would continue working because you’re passionate about what you do and they also want to know you would make smart financial decisions. If you’d do something irresponsible with your own money, they’ll worry you’ll be careless with theirs.

What’s Your Greatest Weakness? How to Give a Strong Interview Answer

What’s your greatest weakness is one of the most common interview questions but one of the trickiest to answer.

It seems strange to discuss your negatives in a situation that is all about selling yourself but your answer tells the interviewer a lot about you and can potentially make or break your interview. Although the question is about weaknesses, don’t take it too literally and ruin the interview by talking about your habit of being late or how your last boss constantly gave out about how messy you are. Instead, your answer should always be framed around positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee. Below are tips and tricks to make a potential employer think your ‘weaknesses’ are actually your best qualities.

Discuss Your Positive Negatives

One way to ace this tricky question is to turn your negatives into positives. Examples of this method include “I’m a perfectionist which means I can sometimes spend too long on projects but I work hard to get the balance right”, or “I find it hard to delegate to others which can lead to frustration for me and my team members. However, I am learning to recognise when others are stronger than me at certain tasks.

However if you use this approach its important not to come across as disingenuous, don’t simply say ‘I work too hard’ or ‘I have no weaknesses’, the interviewer will see right through your shameless avoidance of the question and put simply, you won’t get the job.

Discuss Unrelated Weaknesses

Alternatively you could tackle this question by discussing your weaknesses, but only the ones that have little to do with the job you’re applying for. Analyse the skills and strengths that are key to the role you are interviewing for and then answer with an honest shortcoming, not essential for success in the job at hand.

For example, if you are applying for a nursing job, the ability to communicate, simply and sensitively, with patients is vital. The ability to make presentations to large groups is not. Provide an example of your nervousness around public speaking while at the same stress that your skills at connecting one to one are exceptional.

Discuss Your Improvements

Another way to successful answer would be to give an example of a skill you have improved during your previous roles. If you use the example of public speaking, you could show the interviewer that it was a massive hurdle but with practise, hard work and dedication you are now far more confident. This shows your potential employer that you are proactive and willing to improve without being told.

However if you use this strategy, use skills not directly important to the job. You don’t want your qualifications for the job to be seen as something you struggle with.

Above all, the key to giving a successful answers is to keep it positive. Don’t use the word weakness, always keep focused on the positive. The key is to confidently steer the interview back to what makes you fabulous, without dodging or avoiding the question.

CV Keywords

CV Keywords – What you need and what to avoid

Keywords, buzzwords, jargon. Whatever you call them, we here at Excel, see hundreds of CVs every day and know how important it is that certain words make an appearance on your CV, and that others are avoided.

The Good


Verbs or ‘doing words’ are crucially important to your CV as they quite literally explain what you have done and the (positive) impact you have had with past employers. Using words such as managed, delivered, improved, reduced, negotiated, planned, supported, trained or resolved all show that you were an active employee in past positions and will quickly make an impression, hit the ground running in a new role and immediately be an asset to a new employer.

Job Titles

Don’t underestimate the power of the Ctrl+ F function and be careful when listing your previous job titles. Don’t just list random words and don’t invent a jargon-filled title to inflate the importance of a previous role. This is the one place on your CVs where it pays to keep it simple. If a recruiter is looking for a quick overview of your experience, they may search for specific job titles. To make sure you’re what they are looking for, look at the specific job ad you’re applying to. If it lists ‘Sales manager’ experience, don’t miss out by listing you last role as ‘Executive Team Lead, Sales’. You might think it sounds more impressive but it could mean your CV is overlooked.


Get specific and don’t be afraid to discuss the nitty gritty of your successes. Use tangible examples of your achievements in previous roles rather than meaningless jargon. For example, “This increased profit by 2%” or “this led to a reduction in overheads from £23,000 to £17,000 per year.” However, as with everything on your CV keep in short, neat and concise and don’t go overboard.

The same goes for your education and training, everybody lists their common education history but don’t forget to list specific industry or technical training. Make sure that you list computer systems and tools you are proficient with by their industry-recognised name e.g Photoshop.

….. And The Bad

According to a survey by Career Builder, there are some words that employers see as pointless and just don’t want to see on your resume. There is nothing particularly wrong with them and they all mean well, but some phrases are just so overused they do nothing to distinguish a CV from the rest of the pack. Below are the words you should think twice about including on your C.V

  • Best of breed
  • Go-getter
  • Think outside of the box
  • Synergy
  • Go-to person
  • Thought leadership
  • Value add
  • Results-driven
  • Team player
  • Bottom-line
  • Hard worker
  • Strategic thinker
  • Dynamic
  • Self-motivated
  • Detail-oriented

Remember, first impressions count, so be a self-motivated, dynamic, detail orientated jobseeker who is results driven, thinks outside the box and invests in a Thesaurus.

seasonal staff

Important Skills for Seasonal Workers

Temporary work, especially coming up to the Christmas season, can be a really exciting and fun experience. Not only can working during this busy period earn you extra cash for your Christmas presents but there are loads of other benefits such as networking, learning new skills and filling gaps in your C.V But this type of seasonal work is undoubtedly busy and will require you to have certain skills and personality traits.


While seasonal work offers you a lot of flexibility and control over your schedule, you also have to offer your potential employer flexibility in return. There is no point applying for positions in busy restaurants if you only want to work Friday mornings. The ability to adapt to your employers needs will get you noticed, in a good way.

Ability to work under pressure

It goes without saying that Christmas is a busy time, especially for those in hospitality and catering. The ability to work under pressure and roll with the punches will make temporary seasonal work not only easier but also far more enjoyable.

Quick learner

Again, Christmas is a hugely busy time for most in the hospitality industry. While most employers will offer temporary staff full training, the ability to pick up the basics and adapt quickly to the company’s culture and way of doing things will mean you settle into the job much quicker and be able to give it your best.

Friendly manner

Just because Christmas is a busy time doesn’t mean normal rules go out the window. Being friendly, courteous and engaged is vital in any job but especially within the hospitality industry.

Your ability to remain customer focused during particularly hectic parts of the day will definitely be noted, and appreciated, by the employers.

Positive Thinking

Although the focus at this time of year is on Christmas cheer and being merry, everybody knows it can be a stressful time. The ability to deal with issues and/or complaints without letting them affect the rest of your shift, or even your whole day will mean you will be even more successful in your temporary role.

Perfect CV

The Perfect CV by the Excel experts

Here at Excel, we see a lot of CVs. A lot. And our team of experienced recruiters are sharing their insider knowledge on what the look for, and what they avoid, when screening CVs. In most cases, your CV is the first impression an employer has of you so make it count. The aim is to get across you have the skills and experience to get the job, and then go get the job. Presentation is key. The CV and accompanying cover letter should be tailored to the particular job you are applying for. Focus on the skills and experience relevant to that job to avoid your CV being overlong and make it stand out from the crowd.

Keeping the layout of the CV neat, clear and consistent along with correct grammar and spelling are CRUCIAL. Sarah Hurley, Buyer and Head Office recruiter, has a clear idea about what makes a good CV “Keep it simple. My ideal CV has a personal profile that sums the candidate up and describes the main objective for their career, followed by career summary, education, IT skills and the relevant interests.” Sarah also adds a small important point for jobseekers, “put CVs in Word format, not PDF as they can be difficult to format if we need to”.

However, there is no point having a great-looking CV if the content isn’t solid. Head of Fashion and Non-Food, Aislinn Lea explains her number one turn-off when it comes to CVs. “ Not too many jumps on their CV is the main thing I would be conscious of.” If you do have gaps or jumps on your CV, be prepared to explain them, both positively and honestly.

Sean Thomas, from our grocery desk and Nikki Murran, head of our Grocery department look for similar things when screening CVs. Sean says “good longevity and career progression with good company brands names, that are leaders in their markets . Nikki also stresses the importance of longevity, “ I look for strong brand progression and longevity in each role.”

Quote concrete examples of your successes in previous roles such as to support your claims. For example, “This increased profit by 2%” or “This led to a reduction in overheads from €23,000 to €17,000 per year”.

Remember, you never get a second chance at a first impression so make your C.V the best it can be and give your job search the best possible start.

National Hospitality Awards 2016

National Hospitality Awards 2016 – Winners

The 11th annual National Hospitality Awards took place on November 7th in The Intercontinental Hotel in Ballsbridge Dublin. A winner in the Best Business Hotel category, The Intercontinental was host to the best hospitality businesses across the country. The National Hospitality Awards, held in association with Hospitality Ireland magazine also featured speakers David O’Hare (Bru Brewery) Daragh Anglim (Head of Marketing for Fáilte Ireland) and Declan Maxwell (Luna).

Overall Winners

  • Best Boutique Hotel – Tankardstown
  • Best Business Hotel – InterContinental Dublin
  • Best Casual Dining – The Washerwoman
  • Best Catering Job – Aramark – PWC
  • Best Catering Suppliers – General – Pallas Foods
  • Best Catering Suppliers – Specialists – Keelings
  • Best City Hotel – Hayfield Manor
  • Best Cocktail Bar – Vintage Cocktail Club
  • Best Customer Service – The Dylan
  • Best Destination Hotel – Sheen Falls Lodge
  • Best Dining Experience – Mulberry Gardens
  • Best Drinks Supplier – Diageo
  • Best Hotel Bar – Ashford Castle – The Prince of Wales Bar
  • Best Hotel Restaurant – Inis Meáin Restaurant & Suites
  • Best Local Restaurant – The Twelve MacNean House
  • Best New Establishment – Farrier & Draper
  • Best Nightclub – The Wright Venue
  • Best Overall Hotel – The Europe Hotel & Resort
  • Best Overall Restaurant – Loam
  • Best Pub – Stags Head
  • Best Pub with Food – The Oarsman
  • Best Resort Hotel – Ashford Castle
  • Best Seafood Restaurant – O’Grady on the Pier
  • Best Sporting Pub – The Back Page
  • Best Traditional Pub – Toner’s
  • Best Value Hotel – Garryvoe Hotel
  • Best Wine List – The Twelve Hotel
  • Best Hotel Group – Dalata Hotel Group


REI Awards 2016

Retail Excellence Awards 2016 – Winners

The Retail Excellence Ireland Awards 2016 took place in The Radisson Blu, Co Galway on November 5th. The largest awards programme of its type, boasting over 600 total entries annually, the REI awards recognise the best in Irish retail. The awards programme is the largest event of the retail calendar and recognises the professionalism and innovation of companies, stores, websites and individuals in the retail industry. Excel Recruitment were delighted to see so many of our Grocery, Fashion and Non-Food clients recognised as finalists, as well as many winners across the category range, with our full retail team in attendance. Established in 1995, REI has over 1,620 leading retail companies who operate more than 13,000 stores in Ireland and is the largest retail industry body in Ireland.

Retail Excellence Ireland Awards 2016 – Winners

Rising of The Year – Emma Cooke – Springmount Garden Centre.

Best Website of The Year – Carroll’s Irish Gift Store.

Consumer Choice Awards – Scally SuperValu, Clonakilty.

Best Supermarket Award 2017 – Smiths SuperValu Kinsale.

National Store of The Year – Greenacres Co. Wexford.

Best Forecourt of The Year 2017 – Applegreen.

Garden/DIY Centre of The Year – Arboretum Garden Centre.

Specialist Food Store of The Year 2017 – Greenacres Co. Wexford.

Best New Website – Compu B.

Best Digital Campaign of the Year – Inglot Ireland.

Rising Star of the Year – Agata from IKEA Ireland.

Top 5 Store Status.

  • Arboretum Garden Centre.
  • Greenacres Co Wexford.
  • Kilkenny Shop.
  • Tile Style.
  • Matthew Stevens.

Supplier of The Year – StudioForty9.

Manager of The Year – Colin Curtis – Harvey Norman.

Friendliest Place – Navan, Co Meath.

Hotel Salary Survey 2016

Shane McLave, General Manager of Excel Recruitment, shares the findings of our company’s recent survey of salary scales in the four star hotel sector.

Overseas visitors to Ireland, as reported by Fáilte Ireland, grew to 7.9 million for 2015, which represents 11% growth on 2014. Record breaking occupancy levels for Dublin and Galway were reported in 2015 and more than 60 hotel properties, with a total value of more than €700m, changed hands in Ireland during 2015. These are just some of the statistics that reflect the positive outlook for the Irish hospitality industry. It also means that demand for a pool of quality potential employees has never been higher. This is good news for recruitment agency Excel Recruitment but the findings of their recent survey of salary scales in the four star hotel sector reveals some worrying trends about the way in which staff shortages are being addressed and the relationship between salary scales and chef shortages in particular.

If you would like to discuss any of the finding you can contact us here. You can view all Hospitality jobs with Excel Recruitment here.

2016 Hotel Salary Survey

Underrated Work Skills That Progress Your Career

Have a CV that shines on paper but somehow feel you are still not reaching your career goals? It could be worth taking a look at some of the following less obvious and often underrated work skills to see how you measure up. A team worker with a strong work ethic and good communication skills. These top the list on every job specification we see when it comes to core skills. These core skills required by employers, whilst topping the list, are really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the range of work skills that are invaluable in today’s workplace.Research by the Mayo Clinic in the US identified lower-rated work skills that resulted in more promotions and career success.

Here are some examples:

  1. Be positive

Positivity is a real plus. Displaying positivity when working in a pressurised environment or on a difficult assignment is going to be appreciated. Someone who has a positive attitude and engages with other team members and customers in a positive way. This will lead to work success.

If you’re not always as positive as you think you should be, there are ways to improve this. The Mayo Clinic listed habits that can help build this key skill. They include:

  • Check yourself for negativity often
  • Be open to humour
  • Live a healthy lifestyle
  • Keep the company of positive people
  • Practise positive self-talk
  1. Influence

The ability to influence is the ability to motivate people to do whatever you need them to do without forcing them to do it. This is an invaluable skill that will lead to promotion. The best team leaders will be able to motivate their teams organically. True influencers are looked up to, not feared. To develop this skill, you need to lead by example and inspire the team by being the first into action no matter what the challenge is.

  1. Concise communication

We all know that many employers highly regard great communication skills, but your ability to communicate concisely and effectively is the real differentiator here. People who can make a point in as few words as possible or as little paper are time-efficient, and they can explain anything quickly. To develop this skill, practise trimming the ‘fat’ off your communication. This includes unnecessary details, adverbs and adjectives that dress up a sentence but don’t add any real value. The remaining message should include all of the important details to be conveyed in as few words as possible. This is particularly invaluable when communicating with senior management, who simply don’t have the time to wade through information.

  1. Inward networking

When we talk about networking we think in terms of growing a base of contacts within an industry. For instance, if you need to move job, you’ll have contacts in other companies. But getting to know the people within your current organisation, professionally and socially, can really pay off. Go out of your way to make friends and build a network within your organisation. Having a network of co-workers routing for you will not go unnoticed.

  1. A high ‘emotional quotient’

Being especially adept at reading and understanding others’ emotions is a highly valued, but vastly underrated, job skill. We all know the millennial workforce loves leaders with a high EQ, which leads those who possess it to be promoted into managerial positions. That’s because managers with a high EQ will know how to get the most out of their staff in any industry. Improve this key skill by learning to objectively identify your own emotions and how they affect your behaviour. You can then apply this knowledge to identify co-workers’ emotions, how to empathise with them and work with them towards agreeable outcomes. This leads to a better working environment and a more productive one.

  1. Mindfulness

You may or may not know what mindfulness is already and wonder how this could relate to the workplace. You may think yoga or mindfulness meditation can be used as a way to deal with workplace stress, but as a work skill? Think again. Mindfulness is simply the practice of engaging fully in the moment. Being in the present fully. Studies show that this is a vital job skill that can improve your productivity and decision-making. You can practice mindfulness simply by engaging fully in the moment or the task at hand.

Keeling Gold Medal Awards 2016

The Keeling Gold Medal Awards took place on September 27th 2016 in Lyrath Estate Co. Kilkenny. Now in their 28th year, The Gold Medal Awards are regarded as the leading independent awards within Irish Hospitality. Presented by Hotel and Catering Review, the night recognises excellence across all catering operations, including Hotels, Restaurants, Guest Houses, Spa’s and Leisure Facilities. A nomination is seen as a benchmark of excellence, with the awards becoming more contested year on year.

Excel Recruitment were delighted to sponsor the Industrial Caterer category, awarded to The Pavilion located at The University of Limericks North Campus. It was a pleasure to see so many of our clients duly rewarded for the hard work and excellence in their respective class. Our Hospitality Team as ever were in strong numbers on the night.

Ireland’s City Hotel – Public Vote

  • Absolute Hotel Limerick
  • Hayfield Manor Hotel
  • Limerick Strand Hotel
  • Morrison A DoubleTree By Hilton
  • The G Hotel
  • The Glasshouse
  • The River Lee
  • The Westbury

Winner: The Westbury Dublin


European Restaurant

  • Boqueria
  • Clarion Hotel Liffey Valley
  • La Bucca Dunboyne
  • La Bucca Ratoath
  • Talavera – Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel
  • Ristorante Rinuccini
  • Toscana Restaurant Dame St

Winner: Ristorante Rinuccini


Event Caterer of the Year

  • John Coughlan Catering – Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby
  • John Coughlan Catering – Irish Golf Open
  • Masterchefs Hospitality
  • Seasons at Guinness Storehouse

Winner: John Coughlan Catering – Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby


Ireland’s Business Hotel sponsored by Corporate Catering Services

  • Absolute Hotel Limerick
  • Clarion Hotel Cork
  • Clayton Hotel Leopardstown
  • Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport
  • Crowne Plaza Dublin-Blanchardstown
  • Limerick Strand Hotel
  • The Croke Park
  • The Gibson hotel

Winner: Crowne Plaza Dublin


Ireland’s Chef of the Year sponsored by Pallas Foods

  • Boqueria
  • Carrig Country House & Restaurant
  • Gregans Castle Hotel
  • Limerick Strand Hotel
  • MacNean House & Restaurant
  • Pickle Restaurant
  • Wild Honey Inn
  • Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland

Winner: David Hurley at Gregans Castle Hotel


Ireland’s Family Friendly Hotel – Public Vote

  • Diamond Coast Hotel
  • Dingle Skellig Hotel
  • Fota Island Resort
  • Galway Bay Hotel
  • Hotel Westport
  • The Dunloe
  • The Garryvoe Hotel
  • The Newpark Hotel with Escape Health Club & Aveda Spa

Winner: The Dunloe


Ireland’s Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year

  • Carrig Country House & Restaurant
  • Gregans Castle Hotel
  • Hayfield Manor Hotel
  • MacNean House & Restaurant
  • Mount Juliet Estate
  • Ristorante Rinuccini
  • Tankardstown House
  • The Mustard Seed

Winner: Mount Juliet Estate


Ireland’s Five Star Hotel sponsored by Noel Recruitment

  • Ashford Castle
  • Hayfield Manor Hotel
  • Lough Eske Castle, a Solis Hotel & Spa
  • Park Hotel Kenmare
  • The Europe Hotel & Resort
  • The G Hotel
  • The Killarney Park Hotel
  • Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland

Winner: Ashford Castle


Ireland’s Healthcare Caterer

  • Milford Care Centre
  • St John of God Hospital
  • St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
  • The Q Cafe Company Limited @ Santry Sports Clinic
  • The Ulster Independent Clinic

Winner: The Q Cafe Company Limited


Ireland’s Industrial Caterer sponsored by Excel Recruitment

  • Catering Department at TCD
  • Clongowes Wood College
  • KSG Group at University College Dublin
  • Pavillion at UL
  • St Columba’s College

Winner: Pavillion at UL


People’s Choice Awards – Ireland’s Favourite Place To Eat

  • Avenue by Nick Munier
  • Boqueria
  • Pickle Restaurant
  • Raw Food Rebellion

Winner: Boqueria


Ireland’s Site Contract Caterer sponsored by Keelings Farm Fresh

  • Catering Department at TCD
  • Corporate Catering Services Ltd @ Regeneron
  • EMC Information Systems International
  • ISS Catering at HPE Galway
  • KSG Group at Microsoft
  • Sodexo, PayPal
  • Sodexo @ VHI, Kilkenny
  • The Q Cafe Company @ Eurofound

Winner: Sodexo


Ireland’s Three Star Hotel

  • Carrickdale Hotel & Spa
  • Claregalway Hotel
  • Conyngham Arms Hotel
  • Dingle Benners Hotel
  • Killeen House Hotel & Rozzers Restaurant
  • The Ardagh Hotel & Restaurant
  • The Kenmare Bay Hotel & Resort
  • The Riverside Hotel Sligo

Winner: Killeen House Hotel


Ireland’s Hotel Spa – Five Star sponsored by Sodexo

  • Ashford Castle
  • Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa
  • Lough Eske Castle, a Solis Hotel & Spa
  • Muckross Park Hotel 7 Spa
  • Park Hotel Kenmare
  • The Europe Hotel & Resort
  • The G Hotel

Winner: The Europe Hotel & Resort


Ireland’s Hotel Spa – Four Star

  • Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa
  • Galgorm Resort & Spa
  • Hodson Bay Hotel
  • Ice House Hotel
  • Kelly’s Resort Hotel
  • Kilronan Castle Estate & Spa
  • Seafield Golf & Spa Hotel
  • The Brehon

Winner: Galgorm Resort and Spa


Ireland’s Wine Experience sponsored by Febvre & Company

  • Ashford Castle
  • Harvey’s Point Hotel
  • Hayfield Manor Hotel
  • Hodson Bay Hotel
  • House wine and taproom
  • Ice House Hotel
  • MacNean House & Restaurant
  • Ristorante Rinuccini

Winner: Hayfield Manor Hotel


Ireland’s Four Star Hotel

  • Armada Hotel
  • Harvey’s Point Hotel
  • Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa
  • Mount Falcon Estate
  • Mount Juliet Estate
  • Seafield Golf & Spa Hotel
  • The Lodge at Ashford Castle
  • Waterford Castle Hotel & Golf Resort

Winner: Mount Juliet Estate


Ireland’s Front of House Team/Team Member

  • Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa
  • Armada Hotel
  • Ashford Castle
  • Carrickdale Hotel & Spa
  • Castle Leslie Estate
  • Corporate Catering Services Ltd @ IMI
  • Dunraven Arms Hotel
  • Gregans Castle Hotel

Winner: John Burke – Armada Hotel


Ireland’s Hotel Breakfast – Public Vote

  • Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa
  • Ballyvolane House
  • Brook Lane Hotel
  • Castle Leslie Estate
  • Dunraven Arms Hotel
  • Gregans Castle Hotel
  • Moy House
  • Park Hotel Kenmare

Winner: Castle Leslie Estate


Ireland’s Wedding Venue – Public Vote

  • Armada Hotel
  • Ballygarry House Hotel and Spa
  • Ballyvolane House
  • Castle Leslie Estate
  • Dromoland Castle Hotel
  • Fernhill House Hotel & Gardens
  • Fota Island Resort
  • Tankardstown House
  • The Brehon
  • The Garryvoe Hotel

Winner: Ballygarry House Hotel and Spa


Ireland’s Casual Dining Experience

  • Anocht Restaurant
  • Boqueria
  • Fitzpatricks Bar and Restaurant
  • Hayfield Manor Hotel
  • La Bucca Ashbourne
  • La Bucca Ratoath
  • Randaddy’s Taste of Adventure
  • Saba Restaurant
  • Seafield Golf & Spa Hotel
  • Toscana Restaurant Dame St

Winner: Anocht Restaurant


Ireland’s Country House & Guest House Experience

  • Ard na Sidhe Country House
  • Ballyvolane House
  • Carrig Country House & Restaurant
  • Castlewood House
  • Gregans Castle Hotel
  • Moy House
  • Tankardstown House
  • The Mustard Seed

Winner: Castlewood House


Ireland’s Guest Experience sponsored by Robert Roberts

  • Aghadoe Heights Hotel and Spa
  • Ballyseede Castle
  • Ballyvolane House
  • Crowne Plaza Dublin-Blanchardstown
  • Inchydoney Island Lodge & Spa
  • Killeen House Hotel & Rozzers Restaurant
  • Mount Falcon Estate
  • Moy House

Winner: Crown Plaza – Blanchardstown

  • Service To The Industry Winner – Lee Kidney – Mespil Hotel
  • Overall Supreme Winner – Mount Juliet Estate