5 things you should keep in mind when applying for your next big career move

5 things to keep in mind when applying for your next big career move

New Year, New job? 

February tends to be one of our busiest months for retailers looking for a move. With many too busy to interview in December and often taking some time back with family and taking stock of their lot through January – It tends to be February by the time they contact us to discuss their new year’s resolution of finding a new job.  

So, for those looking for a move here is a list of 5 things you should keep in mind when applying or interviewing for your next big move.  

Understand your WHY!  

When you are applying to new roles it’s really important to know your motivating factor, and more important to keep it at the forefront of your mind. If you are making a move for a better work-life balance, then make sure you are applying to roles that offer less contracted hours or advertise a nicer shift pattern. It’s easy to get distracted by €€€ signs and fancy titles, but if your reason for making a move is lost in the process chances are you won’t be any happier!  

Honesty is the best policy!  

Look,  I know plenty of people exaggerate on their CV. But my honest advice is DON’T. The Irish Grocery industry is a tight-knit sector, where you are likely to have interactions with previous employers at some point in the future! Don’t be tempted to say you were running a €1 million a week store if it wasn’t or that you were the Store Manager in all but name if you weren’t. Firstly, you likely won’t be able to back this up when you delve further into your experience but more importantly, being honest about your experience will earn the respect of the person interviewing you. Ultimately most employers are looking for integrity in their new hires.  

Similarly, be upfront and honest when explaining your reason for making a move – It’s nearly always apparent when a candidate says they “just need a change” that you are not getting the whole story. If you are not honest around this, you are doing yourself a disservice and indeed your new employer. If you are leaving because your last manager was a micro-manager and you don’t enjoy that environment – explain that – otherwise, you are likely to end up repeating the same mistakes. If you are looking for fewer hours or more money, explain that also – that way you are allowing a new employer to meet your needs, or pass. But no matter which – you will still be moving in the right direction for you.  

Don’t be tempted to overstate your salary either – if you are moving for more money that is okay, and it’s okay to explain that to a potential new employer. But be honest, otherwise you might get yourself excluded from a salary increase because you have overstated your current package! 

What are your wins?

You should have a list of 3-7 “wins” that you have achieved in each role you have held.  If you can summarise these I would include them on your CV. Either way, I always recommend jotting them down before an interview, so they are fresh in your mind on the day!  

These “wins” or achievements are the most accurate representation of you and your experience – and they will go a long way in an interview when you are asked for examples.  

These wins may range from driving sales in a specific department or reducing waste, to a couple examples of amazing customer service or passing an audit or indeed developing the people around you.  

Do your research 

I cant overstate the importance of this one! You should assume the first or second question you will be asked in any interview is “What do you know about us” or “Why do you want to work for us” and prepare accordingly.  

Aside from coming across well in the interview – you should also do your research about the company and job beforehand and ensure that the job you are interviewing aligns with your “WHY”. If you are looking for a better work-life balance – speak to some of their past or current managers and ask some questions about this! If it’s a shorter commute have a look at their store locations and see where you are happy to commute to.  

If your “why” and their business are not aligned, then this is unlikely the role for you and it’s better to identify that than waste everyone’s time! 

Be prepared for counter offers 

I have seen time and again that most candidates who accept counter offers still go on to make a move within 6 months – frustrating everyone in the process.  

My advice is this – before you go on to the market – speak up! Have an open honest chat with your employer – at least that way you will know if they would like you to stay and if they have any scope to meet your needs. You don’t have to hand your notice in – just explain your situation and ask if you could work together on a solution or plan. Think of what you would need from your current employer to stay. Are you actually happy in your current role but want to be paid more? Or want Wednesdays off? or perhaps want some progression opportunities? Or more autonomy? Have that conversation before going to market – not after!  

Other than that good luck!  

You can check out this feature in the most recent edition of ShelfLife Magazine here. For more information call us on 01 814 8747 or email nikki@excelrecruitment.com

You can view all of our live jobs here


Benefits when attracting and retaining staff

Benefits when attracting and retaining staff

Most retailers are facing a significant increase in their wage budget from this January. This increase, coupled with additional sick days, the upcoming new February bank holiday costs and imminent pension auto-enrolment is forcing employers to look at more creative ways of attracting and retaining staff that won’t break the bank. We have seen that whilst staff won’t stay in a job where they feel undervalued or underpaid, money is not the main driving factor most employees consider when making a move.

With this in mind, we have reached out to various retailers and retail managers across the grocery industry to provide a list of bonuses and benefits you can consider adding to your package which may help when it comes to attracting new staff as well as retaining your current team.

Work Life Balance

This comes in the form of advanced rotas, flexible shifts, remote or hybrid working patterns, scheduling weekend off rotations, reduced contract hours, or job sharing. The focus on Work-life balance has never been higher – with more and more candidates citing this as their main motivating factor when looking for a move. Whilst remote working is often not a viable option in our sector, many retailers have been working to improve contracted hours or offer a little more flexibility to their teams, and have been reaping the rewards of lower staff turnover as a result.


Company car and fuel allowance are not always viable benefits you can offer. But the bike to work and the Annual Tax Saver Travel schemes are benefits most businesses can offer at a relatively low cost which add real value to their workforce. I’ve seen roles that require travel advertised without the mention of a car, mileage or fuel allowance. Only to find out these roles offered fully expensed company vehicles, but they had not thought to include this as a perk in their job ad. I’m confident this would have deterred numerous suitable candidates from applying.


Many retailers offer in-store staff discounts, ranging from free or subsidized lunches or coffees to 20% off their weekly shop. However, these discounts are often only disclosed when a new employee starts – rather than as part of the advertising campaign or even offer letter. Another great and highly valued perk comes in the form of group discounts. It is often worth reaching out to local businesses and asking if they will offer a small discount for your staff in return for the same for theirs. Many local gyms will also offer discounts when approached and being able to offer discounted or subsided gym membership is a substantial perk to many. I have seen discounts on everything from childcare and chemists to driving lessons and bakeries – it takes a little leg work but definitely worth the effort!

Annual Leave

Annual leave can be a deal breaker for many candidates when it comes to accepting a new role. Increasing annual leave with length of service is a wonderful way of rewarding and retaining those with the most experience in your business. “Birthday days off” is another benefit that has a significant impact on culture and retention. A number of retailers give their staff one additional day’s leave to be taken on their birthday. Obviously this incurs a cost to the store, but this novel incentive has such a positive impact on staff that I think it’s a worthwhile one to consider.

Employee Engagement Initiatives

These are less tangible and usually less costly, but that’s not to say they are any less impactful. Arranging initiatives or small incentives to keep employees feeling appreciated or part of a team goes a long way. Ideas here range from birthday cakes and celebrations to involving store staff in charity walks, fundraising drives, or community clean-ups. Employee recognition schemes – from €5 store vouchers for “staff member of the day” to employee awards events add to the sense of accomplishment and teamwork in most businesses and are a great way to build a positive culture in which people are reluctant to leave! Perhaps include Christmas parties or team bonding events to your list of benefits, if this is something you offer. Or maybe something to consider if you don’t.


Don’t forget to include all those benefits employees can now avail of – regardless of whether they are something your business started or which is now mandated, such as sick pay, upcoming pensions, maternity leave, paternity leave, or parental leave.

Employee wellness

Many employers are offering Employee assistant programs or mental health days. Others offer discounts on doctor’s or dental visits. Healthcare insurance can be an overburdening cost to many retailers, but you may find – with a little research – a health insurer willing to offer a small discount to your staff.


Nearly all the retailers I speak with offer excellent training and development as well as ample opportunities for growth and career development. This is certainly a perk worth shouting about as it is one of the highest-ranked benefits cited by employees looking for a move. If you offer mentoring and coaching to new employees, access to e-learning platforms, or indeed the opportunity to avail of further education it’s definitely worth shouting about.

Every Little Counts

In my experience, it’s worth listing every benefit you can offer – it really may be the difference between someone accepting or declining your job, or indeed the difference in one of your team accepting or declining a job offer from a competitor! Feel free to list everything from “free parking” and “free uniform” to “great location” and “competitive pay rates” – as they say – every little helps!

Shout it from the Rooftops (or Store Fronts)

It’s worth noting that the retailers who are most successful at attracting talent directly are the ones who shout loudest about their benefits. If you go onto the website of some of the most well-known value retailers, you will see their benefits highlighted on every page. Yet many other retailers offer similar if not better benefits and they are nearly a secret! My advice, for what it’s worth, is to list every single benefit – from statutory sick days, training programs, and EAP to Bike to Work and free coffees. It makes potential new hires take notice and potential leavers think twice!

You can check out this feature in the most recent edition of ShelfLife Magazine here. For more information call us on 01 814 8747 or email nikki@excelrecruitment.com

You can view all of our live jobs here


impact of national minimum wage increases

Examining the impacts of National Minimum Wage increases

A lot of questions have been coming our way about the knock-on impact of the upcoming National Minimum Wage increase, in particular, how stores will be responding across the various levels of the business in order to remain competitive.

This impending increase of €1.40 reflects a 12.4% increase in just 12 months. The NMW increased, in total, €1.85 across 8 years from 2014 to 2022, with yearly manageable increases. However, we are seeing an increase of €2.20 per hour, equating to 21%, in just the two most recent increases. This increase is more than double the rate of wage increases across the state and understandably is having a significant impact on retailers across the country.

The most common question we are being asked is how retailers are responding across the rest of their store’s teams.

Entry Level Management Roles

Trainee Managers, Duty Managers, Team Leaders, and Store Supervisors were typically earning €26,000 to €28,000 a couple of years ago. This was an entry-level role where they gained experience and was a first step on the retail career ladder. The medium here now equates to the 2023 NMW for a 45 hour week.

There are many instances where the rates of minimum wage store staff have increased but this junior level Manager has not moved and so this level are being paid only slightly more than the teams they are managing. So, the issue here is one that impacts the entire store team. And this is what is causing concern for retailers across the country.

In an effort at fairness, many stores are increasing these junior managers’ salaries by the same percentage as the minimum wage increase. This means by the end of 2022 many, if not most of these junior managers were starting at €28,000 – €30,000 PA. However, a 21% increase from 2022 to 2024 would now bring an entry-level, junior management candidate to €36,000! A salary many experienced managers are on. This in turn causes an increase across the next level of managers – from assistant managers to fresh food and store managers. The question is, where does this become too crippling a cost for store owners to bear?

Natural Market Increase 

That’s not to say that the minimum wage is a bad thing – indeed – it’s important that all are paid fairly, however, it’s this knock-on effect which needs to be taken into account, to ensure stores stay profitable and all those working are being paid fairly. The low unemployment rate has already caused a natural increase in the minimum wage for good staff over the last couple of years. Meaning that any retailers who worked hard could expect an increase from their employer in order to retain them. This market balance means stores are paying those who work hardest more and have the budget to reward those who deserve it.

Retailer’s Response 

Many of the retailers I spoke to are already paying their staff above minimum wage. However, 2024 will force an increase that brings all staff to the same level regardless of their performance.

Other retailers will offset this cost by trimming hours in their stores where possible.

More still will look at their ratio of under 18 staff and seek to balance their wage bill by ensuring they have a mix of under 18 staff and more experienced staff. However, with the current legislation around under 18s selling alcohol and tobacco, this is often not an option!

Wage Wars

This 2024 increase will see the “levelling out” of salaries. This means many competing employers will start increasing again in order to attract top talent in a still overheated employment market.

Some retailers suggested that rather than compete with more “wage wars” against other employers they will look at their contracted hours, shift patterns, benefit packages, and reward schemes. This seems to be the most palatable solution going forward as any additional increases past Januarys increase seem most unpalatable.

What’s next

Considering the substantial increase of 2024, the projected NMW increase of 2025, the additional February Bank Holiday,  the additional sick pay, and the auto enrolment for pensions, many retailers will be looking long and hard at their P&L sheets this year end.

2024 will likely see retailers making sure they get the most value for money in terms of new hires, paying a little more for a lot more talent by moving up the ladder to more experienced hires and adjusting their overall packages to remain an employer of choice and attracting the best talent available to drive their stores forward.

You can check out this feature in the most recent edition of ShelfLife Magazine here. For more information call us on 01 814 8747 or email nikki@excelrecruitment.com

You can view all of our live jobs here

Mastering retail golden quarter

Mastering the Golden Quarter

Our Director of Fashion & Non-Food Retail, Aislinn Lea, featured in the Q3 edition of Retail Excellence Ireland‘s Retail Times. Discussing how retailers can stay one step ahead and master this Golden Quarter, the most crucial period of the year for retailers. Aislinn provides insight on where retailers can best attract their seasonal staff, what to advertise and how to successfully execute and plan ahead.

As the Christmas bells begin to chime, retailers are not just thinking about decorations; they are meticulously planning their financial, operational, and strategic endeavours to make the most of Black Friday and the entire holiday season. One of the cornerstones of this preparation is assembling a dedicated and capable seasonal team who can ensure customer experiences are nothing short of exceptional, irrespective of how they choose to shop – be it through click and collect, online deliveries, or the brick-and-mortar in-store experience.

Attracting your seasonal team:

The Golden quarter is the most lucrative and challenging period for retailers. Attracting the right seasonal team is pivotal in achieving financial expectations and delivering outstanding shopping experiences to customers. Nevertheless, the challenges surrounding recruitment persist, whether it’s for in-store sales, warehousing, or visual merchandising and having the right recruitment partner can help you achieve your financial expectations.

Word of Mouth – Encourage current employees to refer friends and family for seasonal positions. Their first-hand experience working at your store can be a powerful endorsement.

Open Days – Hosting recruitment events or open days is a fantastic way to give potential candidates an insight into the job and your company culture. These events can help individuals get a feel for the work environment and understand what makes your brand unique.

Utilise in-store and window signage to promote job openings – these signs should be sharp, eye-catching and should reflect your company’s image and values.

Referral Schemes – Implementing a referral program can be a win-win situation. Offer vouchers or incentives to your existing employees for successfully referring new hires to your team.

Social Media is an indispensable tool for attracting potential employees – Platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Facebook can help you reach a wider audience.


What to advertise? It’s vital to provide comprehensive information to potential candidates

Package: Clearly state the hourly rate and any additional benefits, such as lunch allowances, staff discounts, bonuses, or sales incentives. This can be a significant motivator for potential candidates.

Job Specification: Craft a concise yet compelling job specification that sets your opportunity apart from the competition. Highlight what makes your company unique.

When/Where: State the exact dates of the seasonal employment, as well as the location and contract hours. This ensures that candidates know exactly what they are signing up for.


Execution/Planning: To make your seasonal recruitment strategy work seamlessly, here are a few key considerations

Plan Ahead: Start your recruitment process well in advance of the Golden Quarter. Ensure that your team is in place before the rush begins to avoid last-minute staffing shortages.

Training: Develop a comprehensive training program to equip your seasonal staff with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver exceptional customer service.


If you need assistance with permanent recruitment solutions, please contact Aislinn Lea at aislinn@excelrecruitment.com & for our temporary staffing solutions, contact Ciara Connolly at ciara@excelrecruitment.com.

Careers in Retail

The advantages of making a career in retail

Our Director of Grocery Retail Recruitment, Nikki Murran, featured in the latest edition of ShelfLife Magazine to discuss the numerous advantages of making a career in retail. Highlighting that with limitless opportunities for progression, and countless new things to learn, a career in retail is much more than just ‘a job in a shop’. 

Retail jobs can get bad press and often do. It is an industry filled with hard-working employees, some on minimum wage, dealing in overwhelmingly busy stores and with an unpredictable public. However, this past month I have been asking retailers, and past retailers who now work on my team – what do you love about the industry? It’s been inspiring hearing about their stories and their passion for the industry. So it prompted me to compile this list for anyone thinking of turning their part-time retail job into a full-scale career. Or indeed any store owners looking to convince their staff to take that leap with them.

Career kickstart

There are few other industries that will allow you to join with no experience, no further education and measure you solely on your ability and work ethic. Nearly every retailer, at every level I speak to, started their retail career during school, they enjoyed it, did well, and progressed. Not through their exam results or who they knew. Rather, based on how well they worked. Just because you are not a straight-A student does not mean you won’t be a straight-A retailer!

Learning life-long skills

Dealing with customer complaints, handling money, learning about food safety or manual handling skills – regardless of your role in retail you will learn so many skills which will stand to you in every aspect of your life!


Nothing brings people together more than working alongside each other toward a common goal. In every store in the country, you will find passionate, hard-working, dedicated teams of people. Usually, people who are warm, caring and outgoing, as this goes hand in hand with dealing with customers successfully, day after day and indeed year after year. In every store I have ever worked in, I have been overwhelmed by the talent and dedication of the teams I have worked alongside. I met so many people from outside my usual social circle, people from all walks of life, all nationalities, and all age ranges. It was always one of the best parts about working in retail as I got to understand so many different cultures and meet and build friendships with such a diverse group of fabulous people.

The customers

To be fair, this can sometimes be the biggest challenge, but often, it is one of the biggest rewards. I started my retail career in a local convenience store, in a quiet area, with an aging population. The boss said to me on my first day – “remember, for some of these customers you may be the only person they speak with today.” That stuck with me for the next decade while I worked in retail and I gained so much from spending an extra moment or two with each customer who was looking for a connection. Not only did it help me to develop empathy but It brought me so much joy, laughter, and genuine pleasure.

Building confidence

Retail is the ultimate confidence builder. Working in retail gives you so many opportunities to excel in various tasks. From merchandising a section in the store, to helping a customer, achieving a sales target or just knowing you have done a solid day’s work. People who have spent time in retail build a level of confidence that is difficult to replicate!

Something for everyone

The retail industry really does have something for everyone! Do you like physical work? Why not try out a Pack Out Manager job? Great with numbers? Stock control manager! Do you love people? In store HR Manager might be for you. A true Foodie? Fresh food manager it is! Do you love chatting with new people? Checkout supervisor may be your calling! Or perhaps you love doing a little of everything? Convenience management is for you so! There are endless possibilities, and most retailers will support their staff to find the right fit for them. Most managers work their way through many departments before they progress to store manager. If you are not sure what’s right for you, find a good recruitment agency who will help you pinpoint your retail talents! (ahem)


Many of the stores throughout Ireland are deeply embedded in their community. They often support local charities, sponsor the local GAA team, and provide spot prizes for the local school’s annual raffle. It’s a wonderful feeling being involved in your community and being part of your local retail team is a sure-fire way to make that happen!

Work-Life Balance

Retail employment can get a bad name when it comes to work life balance. But, in the past number of years, most retailers have reduced their contracted hours and many others offer much more flexibility. Because stores open longer than the usual 9-5 most retailers are finding that they can navigate their personal life, be it childcare or sports, with just a little flexibility from their employer. Many retailers work morning shifts and are home in time for training, whilst others drop the kids to school in plenty of time to make the start of their shift. Retail can be whatever you make it and with so many retail employers open to flexibility it really is a great fit for many!


Regardless of how long you have worked in retail, for those who ask they will nearly always be given the opportunity for growth and ownership. Grocery stores work best when the teams running them each take responsibility for their own section, area, department or just the flower stand! You don’t need to wait – as soon as you feel ready you can be sure any request for more will be met with enthusiasm and support from your manager!

Fabulous Irish product

You only have to look around any of the grocery stores here to see how most embrace beautiful local Irish products and help small businesses bring them to wider markets. For those with a passion for food, working in this space gives a lovely opportunity to work with some amazing brands and fabulous products.

Limitless progression

You can start your retail career as a sales assistant or trainee and steadily climb the ranks to Store Manager, Regional Manager, or Fresh Food Area Manager to name but a few. In fact, most of the senior retailers in the country started as Sales Assistants. Many retailers will help you through college, others offer outstanding training programs, in everything from HR to Food safety, while others still will offer apprenticeships in Butchery and Baking. The sky really is the limit and for those willing to work hard and learn your career path, really is in your hands!

You can check out this feature in the most recent edition of ShelfLife Magazine here. For more information call us on 01 814 8747 or email nikki@excelrecruitment.com

You can view all of our live jobs here

The importance of training and investing in staff

The importance of training and investing in staff

Our Managing Director, Shane McLave, featured in the latest edition of Drinks Industry Ireland magazine discussing the importance of investing in staff. Highlighting that while offering an extensive package is crucial for the success of your business, providing training is equally important in order to retain your employees.

It really doesn’t matter how fantastic a Bar, Restaurant or Hotel you have, and it doesn’t matter how many millions you invest in cutting edge design, out of this world locations, great menus, and cocktails, if you neglect to invest in your team and empower them to excel as the finest in their field, then everything else becomes inconsequential.

I’ve been involved with the hospitality industry since the age of 16, starting my journey in kitchens as a Kitchen Porter and progressing to the role of Head Chef. Eventually, I transitioned into the field of recruitment, where I acquired extensive insights into various facets of the industry. This journey was fueled by my experience working with renowned brands nationwide and connecting great people with outstanding companies.

In recent years, as unemployment rates have reached historic lows, the landscape of job offers has significantly expanded when it comes to potential employers vying for candidates. We’ve witnessed a notable shift where individuals are no longer solely driven by the highest salary but are instead making decisions based on the overall package offered. This package now includes an array of benefits, such as health insurance, additional annual leave, mental health days, extended sick leave, pension plans, car allowances, tax-saving travel options, signing bonuses, loyalty rewards, flexible work hours, remote and hybrid work arrangements, gym memberships, complimentary meals, provided uniforms, social club memberships, accommodation assistance or allowances, and job-sharing options, among others. Despite this myriad of enticing perks, one of the most frequently asked questions I encounter from candidates is centered around the training opportunities and prospects for career advancement. In summary, while offering an extensive package is crucial for the success of your hospitality business, providing top-notch training is equally essential and holds significant importance for the individuals you bring on board.

A big part of what we do in Excel Recruitment revolves around supporting and promoting the hospitality industry and one of the many ways we do this is through sponsoring and judging awards. Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to embark on an incredible journey across Ireland, exploring a diverse range of Bars, Hotels, Spas, and Restaurants. After meticulously visiting and thoroughly evaluating each property, our panel of judges convenes to meticulously review every entry, scrutinising the scores and deliberating extensively to determine the overall winners. Our panel of judges comprises an extensive spectrum of industry experts, encompassing lecturers from leading Hospitality Colleges, seasoned Hotel General Managers, accomplished Recruiters, seasoned Professional Food Critics, and a cadre of industry professionals. Some of these individuals boast a lifetime of experience in managing some of the most renowned establishments in Ireland.

Throughout my years of judging various establishments, I’ve encountered quite a diverse range of experiences. Among them, there have been numerous winners, but what stands out is the element of surprise. There have been instances where I entered with certain expectations, only to have my opinions completely transformed. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that the single most influential factor in shaping my judgment has consistently been the staff I encountered and interacted with.

I’ve visited opulent five-star hotels and high-end bars where the surroundings were truly breath-taking, yet the service provided was nothing short of disappointing, resulting in an overall unpleasant experience. Conversely, I’ve ventured into places that were initially unfamiliar or appeared rather average, only to be blown away by the level of service and the engaging personalities of those who interacted with me. In such cases, I had no option but to bestow upon them the highest possible ratings.

One of my favourite places that I discovered during my judging duties, has now become my go to destination during my leisure time. My initial interaction was memorable for all the wrong reasons – a waiter inadvertently spilling my drink on my dinner, which subsequently fell onto me. However, it was the remarkable handling of this situation that truly impressed me.

We all understand that things can go smoothly when all is well, but the real measure of success lies in how challenges are navigated and turned around. In essence, no matter how many millions you invest in a venue, it pales in comparison if the staff aren’t genuinely content in their roles and equipped to skilfully manage every circumstance. True excellence stems from the people who make it happen.

If you’re looking for hospitality training, you can visit our sister company websites futureprooftraining.ie or  irishbaristaacademy.ie for more information.

You can check out this feature in the Drinks Industry Ireland magazine here

Why use a recruitment agency

Why use a recruitment agency?

Having grown up in the world of independent retail, our Director of Grocery Retail, Nikki Murran, has first-hand knowledge of the difference employing a recruitment agency can make in the quest for good staff. Highlighting the advantages in the article below.

With many retailers still reeling from the cost increases they have shouldered in the last couple of years it’s understandable that they may take pause before committing to paying a recruitment fee for a new hire. Now, I may be biased, (actually I am definitely biased) but, from over a decade of experience and client feedback I absolutely see it as money well spent. Here are the reasons why:

Industry experts and market insights

When you partner with an agency, you should choose one who are specialists in their field. Or, have a specialist department that recruit for your field. My team all come from grocery retail. We all know a good store manager when we see one, we all know the difference between a deli manager and a deli supervisor, a scratch baker, and a confectioner. In the same way that my colleague who runs the fashion department can recognise the difference between a high street retailer and a luxury one! It’s what we do!

Having an industry expert recruiter on your side means they always have a read of the current market. They should keep you updated on salary trends in the market or what candidates are looking for to make a move. They should give you direction, guidance, or feedback when you register a job, making sure you are putting your store in the best position to attract the best candidates. This is surprisingly rarely about money – often it’s some flexibility around shift patterns, contracted hours, job titles, or review periods. But the point is, a good recruitment partner will help you frame your job to make it as attractive as possible, without forcing you outside of your budget!

A good rule of thumb here is if a recruitment agency hasn’t compiled a salary survey specific to your industry each year for the past couple of years, they are unlikely to be a real expert in that field.

Employer branding

With the Irish market hovering around the perfect unemployment mark the last couple of months – now is more important than ever to make sure your brand as an employer is landing well. A good agency will likely have a read of the market perceptions about your brand and will give you some honest feedback when asked. A great agency will help shape your employer brand message and project it out into the market.

We make it a point to find out all the great things about your store and role and use these to help attract the best candidates for you.

Talent pool

If you are advertising for your current open role, chances are you are confined to candidates who are job-seeking this week, candidates who are applying for roles that match their experience, candidates who are applying to the salary range you have on offer, and candidates who managed to find your job ad amongst 100’s of others. It’s a pretty narrow field when you think of it like that.

Excel Recruitment has over 90,000 candidates on our database. The vast majority of placements we make, come, not from candidates who apply at the right time, for the right role. Rather, they are from candidates who applied over the last year or so and spoke at length to a recruiter about their experience and skill set and what they are looking for in their next move. When we get the right role in – we then reach out to the right candidate – it’s like a jigsaw! So, we deal with a much larger pool of candidates for your job than you could likely hope to.

We also love the saying “Great people know great people.” Most of my own placements come through recommendations, clients recommend me to each other, and candidates do the same. In fact, most of my conversations seem to start with “such and such” passed me on your number!

Bang for your buck!

I grew up in the world of independent retail. When our family store was looking to recruit a new store manager, maybe 15 years ago now, I knew the money to cover that was coming, not from some head office fund, but out of the store’s bottom line. With this in mind, I was sure that we should try to find the right candidate ourselves before trying an agency.

We spent a considerable amount of money on advertising; in a newspaper, two online job boards and on a radio station. We spent hours sifting through applications and met every applicant who had ever worked in retail management. It was all a waste of money and time. When we reached out to Excel Recruitment (plug, sorry – but we did!) they had candidates for us within a week. The guy we hired increased the margin within 6 months, and more than covered the fee we had paid.

Really, in a management or specialist role, when you compare the cost of the placement to the value that candidate will bring to your bottom line it’s a no-brainer! Especially considering if you don’t hire someone you don’t pay anything!


Time is the one thing every retailer I know is short on. Using an agency means that after one detailed phone call, you have a team of recruiters working on your role. They will advertise your job, source candidates, sell them the benefits of your business, set up interviews, follow up on feedback, offer the job at your direction, deal with messy counter offers, and complete verified reference checks. They basically take most of the pain out of the recruitment process for you!

You can check out this feature in the most recent edition of ShelfLife Magazine here. For more information call us on 01 814 8747 or email nikki@excelrecruitment.com

You can view all of our live jobs here