Shane McLave, General Manager of Excel Recruitment, shares the findings of our company’s recent survey of salary scales in the four star hotel sector.
Overseas visitors to Ireland, as reported by Fáilte Ireland, grew to 7.9 million for 2015, which represents 11% growth on 2014. Record breaking occupancy levels for Dublin and Galway were reported in 2015 and more than 60 hotel properties, with a total value of more than €700m, changed hands in Ireland during 2015. These are just some of the statistics that reflect the positive outlook for the Irish hospitality industry. It also means that demand for a pool of quality potential employees has never been higher. This is good news for recruitment agency Excel Recruitment but the findings of their recent survey of salary scales in the four star hotel sector reveals some worrying trends about the way in which staff shortages are being addressed and the relationship between salary scales and chef shortages in particular.
If you would like to discuss any of the finding you can contact us here. You can view all Hospitality jobs with Excel Recruitment here.